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Text File  |  1993-08-30  |  9KB  |  97 lines

  1. \ApAssist
  2. \: - This is the Quick Help for the c index  -
  3. \: ----------------------------------------------------------
  4. \:   Written by David E. Patterson
  5. \: ----------------------------------------------------------
  7. \font topaz.font 8
  8. \tc 12
  9. \wr
  10. \lj
  11. \dd "imh_descriptor"
  13. \index "hlp_index/index"
  14. \toc "hlp_toc/toc"
  15. \help "aa_help/help
  17. \node "hlp_indexc"
  18. \title "Index C"
  19. \next ""
  20. \prev ""
  21. \nw
  22. \link "Calculate Area                                    " "mra_hlp/mra_calcarea"                                     
  23. \link "Call Redraw Script                                " "mdd_hlp/mdd_callredrawscript"                                 
  24. \link "Caricature                                        " "mrg_hlp/mrg_caricat"                                         
  25. \link "Cell Size                                         " "mrxc_hlp/mrxc_cellsiz"                                          
  26. \link "Cells at Edge                                     " "mrxc_hlp/mrxc_celledge"                                      
  27. \link "Center Saturation                                 " "mrxa_hlp/mrxa_censat"                                  
  28. \link "Centered Rectangle                                " "mx_hlp/mx_rectcen"                                 
  29. \link "Centimeters                                       " "mrad_hlp/mrad_cm"                                        
  30. \link "Change Maximum Dimensions                         " "mfs_hlp/mfs_changemaxdim"                          
  31. \link "Change Negative to Positive                       " "mcaa_hlp/mcaa_changenegpos"                        
  32. \link "Change Percentage                                 " "mrxl_hlp/mrxl_changeper"                                  
  33. \link "Change, Remove Chunks Tool                        " "mrfc_hlp/mrfc_change"                                             
  34. \link "Checkov Forcing                                   " "mfd_hlp/mfd_checkov"                                    
  35. \link "Choose Brush                                      " "mp_hlp/mp_choosebrush"                                       
  36. \link "Choose Other Render Modes                         " "mf_hlp/mf_otherrender"                          
  37. \link "Chroma Rub Thru                                   " "mpd_hlp/mpd_chromarubthru"                                    
  38. \link "Clear                                             " "mfms_hlp/mfms_clear" 
  39. \link "Clip .5x                                          " "mrc_hlp/mrc_clip5"                                           
  40. \link "Clip 2x                                           " "mrc_hlp/mrc_clip2"                                            
  41. \link "Clip Name                                         " "mrco_hlp/mrco_clipname"                                          
  42. \link "Clip Region                                       " "mrc_hlp/mrc_clipreg"                                        
  43. \link "Clip with Exact Size                              " "mrc_hlp/mrc_clipexact"                               
  44. \link "Closing Script                                    " "mrxws_hlp/mrxws_closes"                                     
  45. \link "CMY Seperate                                      " "mfc_hlp/mfc_cmysep"                                       
  46. \link "CMYK Seperate                                     " "mfc_hlp/mfc_cmyksep"                                      
  47. \link "Color Balance                                     " "mrt_hlp/mrt_colorbal"                                      
  48. \link "Color CMAP                                        " "mfc_hlp/mfc_colorcmap"                                          
  49. \link "Color Derivation                                  " "mrx_hlp/mrx_colorderiv"                                   
  50. \link "Color General Mask                                " "mx_hlp/mx_colorgenmask"                                 
  51. \link "Color Keyed Maximum Merge                         " "mck_hlp/mck_ckmaxmerge"                          
  52. \link "Color Keyed Maximum Rub Thru                      " "mck_hlp/mck_ckmaxrt"                       
  53. \link "Color Keyed Minimum Merge                         " "mck_hlp/mck_ckminmerge"                          
  54. \link "Color Keyed Minimum Rub Thru                      " "mck_hlp/mck_ckminrt"                       
  55. \link "Color Keyed                                       " "mc_hlp/mc_colorkeyed"                                        
  56. \link "Color Mode                                        " "mpf_hlp/mpf_colormode"                                          
  57. \link "Color Negative                                    " "mrx_hlp/mrx_colorneg"                                     
  58. \link "Color Re-Combine                                  " "mc_hlp/mc_colorrecombo"                                    
  59. \link "Color Seperations                                 " "mf_hlp/mf_colorsep"                                  
  60. \link "Color                                             " "mrts_hlp/mrts_col"                                              
  61. \link "Color/Luma/Average Display Modes                  " "md_hlp/md_displaymode"                   
  62. \link "Colorize                                          " "mrt_hlp/mrt_colorize"                                           
  63. \link "Combine                                           " "mcl_hlp/mcl_combine"                                            
  64. \link "Compliment with Previous                          " "mx_hlp/mx_complement"                           
  65. \link "Compose Panel                                     " "m_hlp/m_compose"                                      
  66. \link "Compose Morphing Tutorial                         " "morph_tut6/morph_comp"
  67. \link "Connect                                           " "mrf_hlp/mrf_connect"                                            
  68. \link "Contour Line                                      " "mrx_hlp/mrx_contourline"                                       
  69. \link "Contour                                           " "mrf_hlp/mrf_contour"                                            
  70. \link "Contrast                                          " "mrts_hlp/mrts_con"                                           
  71. \link "Controls - Compose Panel                          " "mc_hlp/mc_controls"
  72. \link "Copy                                              " "mpp_hlp/mpp_cpy"                                               
  73. \link "Count Colors                                      " "mra_hlp/mra_countcolors"                                       
  74. \link "Current                                           " "mrxwm_hlp/mrxwm_current"                                            
  75. \link "Curve[1] <Normal>, Group Transparency             " "mcmgt_hlp/mcmgt_curve1"                                  
  76. \link "Curve[1] <Normal>, Group Velocity                 " "mcmgv_hlp/mcmgv_curve1"                                  
  77. \link "Curve[1] <Normal>, Point Velocity                 " "mcmp_hlp/mcmp_curve1"                                  
  78. \link "Curve[1] <Normal>, Transparency                   " "mcmt_hlp/mcmt_curve1"                                  
  79. \link "Curve[1] <Normal>, Velocity                       " "mcmvc_hlp/mcmvc_curve1"                                  
  80. \link "Curve[2] <Early>, Group Transparency              " "mcmgt_hlp/mcmgt_curve2"                                   
  81. \link "Curve[2] <Early>, Group Velocity                  " "mcmgv_hlp/mcmgv_curve2"                                   
  82. \link "Curve[2] <Early>, Point Velocity                  " "mcmp_hlp/mcmp_curve2"                                   
  83. \link "Curve[2] <Early>, Transparency                    " "mcmt_hlp/mcmt_curve2"                                   
  84. \link "Curve[2] <Early>, Velocity                        " "mcmvc_hlp/mcmvc_curve2"                                   
  85. \link "Curve[3] <Late>, Group Transparency               " "mcmgt_hlp/mcmgt_curve3"                                    
  86. \link "Curve[3] <Late>, Group Velocity                   " "mcmgv_hlp/mcmgv_curve3"                                    
  87. \link "Curve[3] <Late>, Point Velocity                   " "mcmp_hlp/mcmp_curve3"                                    
  88. \link "Curve[3] <Late>, Transparency                     " "mcmt_hlp/mcmt_curve3"                                    
  89. \link "Curve[3] <Late>, Velocity                         " "mcmvc_hlp/mcmvc_curve3"                                    
  90. \link "Cut out Area with out Transparency                " "mpb_hlp/mpb_cutwo"
  91. \link "Cut out Brush                                     " "mp_hlp/mp_cutbrush"                                      
  92. \link "Cutout Brush using a Transparency Background Color" "mpb_hlp/mpb_brush"
  93. \link "Cyan Ext.                                         " "mfc_hlp/mfc_cyanext"                                          
  95. \endnode